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Saturday, September 28, 2019

what is motherboard | Motherboard in hindi | use of mother board | all part of motherboard | name of motherboard

What is motherboard :

The motherboard serves as a single platform for connecting all parts of the computer together. A motherboard connects CPU's Memory, hard drives, optical drives, video cards, sound cards, and other ports and expansion cards directly or through cables. It can be considered the backbone of a computer.

The motherboard is placed inside the case and securely connected with small screws through pre-drilled holes. The motherboard has ports to connect all internal components. It provides a single socket for the CPU whereas for memory, one or more slots are normally available. Motherboards provide ports for attaching floppy drives, hard drives, and optical drives via ribbon cables. The motherboard carries a special port designed for fans and power supplies.

In front of the motherboard is a peripheral card slot which can be connected to the motherboard using video cards, sound cards and other expansion cards.

On the left, the motherboard carries several ports for connecting monitors, printers, mouse, keyboards, speakers and network cables. Motherboards is  also or always provide USB ports that allow compatible devices to be connected in a plug-in / plug-out fashion, for example, pen drives, digital cameras, etc.

A motherboard comes with the following features: 

1. Motherboards vary greatly in supporting different types of components.

2. Generally a motherboard supports one type of CPU and some types of memories.

3. Video card, hard disk, sound card must be compatible with the motherboard to function properly.

4. The motherboard, cases and power supply must be compatible to work properly together.

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