History of Computer
Based on the known sources of the world till now, it has been found that the first certified mention of the discovery and experiment of zero is in the articles in the number system of his mathematical astronomy treatise "Aryabhatiya",composed by the ancient eminent astronomer and mathematician Aryabhatra of India. Specific signs of zero are found, the first zero was included in his book, just since then the words The practice of showing as two began.An Indian writer whose name was Pingala (in 200 BC) to describe the scriptures you developed was the mathematical system developed by Aryabhata and the first known of the two basic numeral system binary number system (0,1). Details submitted These magical points (0 and 1) were used primarily for the structure of the first computer.
Today the term computer has been used long before modern computers were built. Previously, the only person who operated the machines used to solve complex calculations was called "Computer". Such difficult arithmetic questions which were very difficult and time consuming to solve. Special types of machines were invented to solve these problems, over time many changes and improvements were made in these machines. When the present form of modern computer was received, this was the initial order of modern computer invention.
Around 3000 BC I find mention of a strange calculating machine called ABACUS, it is believed that this device was invented in China. The ABACUS salt machine consisted of several sticks, some of which contained shell shapes. Through which addition and subtraction work was done. But they could not do the work of multiplication and division by Abacus. It is also a part of the computer's development order. |
The time between 1700 and 1970 AD is considered very important in the development of computers. During which many innovations took place which are related to computer development.
Which is as follows
(1) In 1622, the great expert William Oughtred built an instrument known as "slide rule".
(2) In 172 A.D., the great scientist Blaise Pascal built a machine called "Pascalin" salt, by which the work of adding and incident could be done.
(3) Leibniz's Stepped Reckoner or Stepped Reckoner: -
In 1602, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz built a calculator machine called Leibniz Step Reckoner or Stepped Reckoner by which it was possible to calculate, add, subtract, fold and divide all types of calculations.(4) Difference Engine: -
In 1622, the famous scientist Charles Babbage built a strangely odd machine "Differential Engine" and then invented another machine "Analytical Engine" in 1734, which he could not complete due to lack of funds. It is believed that modern computers were started since then. That's why the scientist "Charles Babbage" is known as the "father of modern computers".(5) Konrad Zuse -
Zuse-Z3 Machine In 1971, the great scientist "Conard Juice" invented an amazing instrument called "Zuse-Z3" salt which is based on Binary Arithmetic and Floating point Arithmetic, the first electronic computer. Was.(6) Eniac: -
In 1919, an American military school built the "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer" salt machine. Which was based on the Decimal Arithmetic system structure, this machine became famous as the first computer which later evolved into modern computer and formed the basis of the development of modern computer.(7) Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine:-
In the year 1979, the first computer named Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine was made that could save (save) any program in Vaccum Tube.First Generation (1940–1956): - Vacuum Tube
In the first generation computers, a technique called Vacume Tube was first used. Due to these vacuum tubes, these computers came and became very big. They came as big as a room. Due to the size of the computer, these computers used to consume a lot of electricity to run. This vacuum tube used to generate a lot of heat and the possibility of broken feet of these vacuum tubes was high. First generation computers did not have an operating system. Programs in these computers were stored in a device called a punchcard. These computers had little computation ability. Ability to store data in computers was very limited. Machine language was used in these computers.
Univec and ENIAC computers are examples of first generation computer machines that were built in 1945. The ENIAC computer weighed approximately 30 tons. It used 18000 vacuum tubes, 1500 relays, thousands registrations and capistors. 200 kilo wat of electricity was used in its operation. Univec was considered the first comercial computer. Which was used for the US Census in 1951.
Second Generation (1956–1963): - Use of transistors
A revolution went into the computer age with the discovery of transistors in 1979. Now, transistors are being used in place of vacuum tubes in computers. The size of the transistor was much smaller than that of the vacuum tube. Because of which these work places were surrounded. These were cheaper than vacuum tubes. And the transistor's work capacity was also high. They produced less heat. With their use, the size of the computer was much smaller than that of the first generation computer. These computers required less power to run. These computers were faster than the first generation. Magnetic cores were now used instead of magnetic drums for memory in these computers. Magnetic tapes and disks were being replaced in place of punchcards for secondary storage in computers. In this generation, High Level Language like FORTRAN, COBOL was invented, in these Lenguages, English alphabets were used.Third Generation (1964–1971): - Integrated Circuit
Integrated Circuit or I.C. With the development of the third generation of modern computers was born. The transistors in these computers were now replaced by Integrated Circuits (I.C.). I C. A large number of transistors, registers, and capillaries are stored, in which a large number of transistors, registers and capillaries are collected and a micro device is created. I C. It is made from a material called silicon, it contains substances like iron, aluminum, potassium which increases its performance manifold. I C. The modern computer had moved from a room to a table. That is, the form of the computer was reduced. Operating systems were now being used in computers of this generation. Due to which the computer became faster and its internal functions were automated.With this, in the new level languages, now new languages are being developed such as BASIC whose full name (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Was. It was in this generation that mini-computers also developed which were much smaller than the old computers. It was very easy to create and save documents on these computers.
Fourth Generation - (Since 1971) - Present: Microprocessors
The first microprocessor was invented in the 1960s. With the creation of the microprocessor, a huge revolutionary change took place in the computer age. Was replaced by microprocessor. The microprocessor, named as the Large Scale Integrated Circuit, is the only microprocessor made from a microprocessor, a microprocessor consisting of millions of transistors in a small chip. Computers built using microprocessors came to be called microcomputers. The world's first microcomputer was built by a well-known company named MITS.
Integrated Circuit I.C. The invention of the microprocessor paved the way for the discovery itself. Prior to the invention of the microprocessor, C.P.U. Many were made by connecting multiple electronic devices separately.
Today the two largest microprocessor companies in the world are Intel and AMD.
In this generation, the core memory space now uses semiconductor material called bani memory. Which was very small in size and its speed was very fast. In this generation, the creation of simple software to do database work started. Such as: - Spreadsheet etc.
Fifth Generation - (Current): - Artificial Intelligence
The fifth generation computer is very developed and based on artificial intelligence technology. Own capability is being developed in computers of this generation. Now computers are being developed to work in all types of fields. Today's computers are being connected to the networks through the Internet for the exchange of information. Today the size of computer is getting smaller day by day. Today the computer has risen from the table and is on the palm of man. And computers are being named after the size of the computer. Such as - desk top, lap top, palm top etc.
Today some computer science branches are manufacturing computers that behave like humans. Where do robots go.
Multimedia technology was also produced in the generation, which mainly consists of Graphics, Sound, and Animation etc.
Good info sir