Classification of Computer
Direct Classification of computers directly is very difficult. Computers can be classified based on their function, use, and purpose. Therefore, we classify computers on three grounds.
1. Depending on the application
2. Purpose based on
3. Size (based on size)
(1). Type of Computer Based on Application
Depending on the application.
The computer can be divided into three parts
(A) Analog Computer
(B) Digital Computer
(C) Hybrid Computer
Analog Computer
In this category, computers are used which measure physical units (pressure, temperature, length, etc.) and convert them into digits. These computers measure any amount on the basis of comparison. Like the thermometer does not count. Rather, it measures body temperature by comparing Relative Expansion. Analog computers are mainly used in the fields of science and engineering. Because quantities are used more in these areas. These types of computers only give approximate estimates. For example, an analog computer mounted on a petrol pump measures the amount of petrol coming out of the pump and appears in liters. And calculates its value.
Digital Computer
In this category, the computers that compute the numbers, when people talk about computers, then most digital computers are the focal point. In this category, the computers that run the market, prepare the budget of the houses and all other types of work that can be done on the computer. Therefore, most computers fall under the category of digital computers. Digital computers convert data and programs to 0 and 1 and take them in electronic form.
Hybrid Computer
These computers are equipped with many properties, hence they are called hybrid computers. These computers have the properties of both analog computers and digital computers. These computers are more reliable. For example, when a computer analog device measures a patient's symptoms such as temperature or blood pressure, then these measurements are later converted into digits by digital runs. In this way, the correct answer is immediately known to the patient in the health.
(2) Classification of computers based on objectives (Type of Computers based on Purpose)
Depending on the objectives, we can talk about computers in two parts.
(A) General Purpose Computer
(B) Special Purpose Computer
(A) General Purpose Computer
These computers have the ability to perform many types of tasks, but all these tasks are common and are not of any particular type. Like writing a word processing letter. Document preparation. Print documents, create database. C.P.U. The ability to work also. In these computers we cannot add any special device for any specific purpose. Because of these C.P.U. The functionality is very useful. They can only be used for general purpose.
(B) Special Purpose Computer
These computers are made for a particular task. The capacity of that corresponds to that work. The task for which this computer is built. If these computers have more than one C.P.U. If required, the creation of these computers has many C.P.U. Wali is done. For example, a computer installed in a studio for editing music is a specific type of computer. Music related devices can be added to this computer.
Apart from this, these computers are used in the coming fields such as space science, meteorology, field of war, in satellite operation, in the field of medicine, in physical chemistry, in traffic control, in oceanography, in agriculture, engineering. These computers are used in other areas.
(3) Classification of computers on basis of size:
Based on the size, the computer is divided into the following parts.
(A) Microcomputer
(B) Mini Computer
(C) Mainframe Computer
(D) Super Computer
In the 1970s, there was a huge innovation in the field of computer technology. This invention was accompanied by this invention of the micro processor, it was possible to become an inexpensive and good computer system. A computer thus built could also be placed on a desk or in a briefcase. These small computers are called microcomputers. Microcomputers are small in price and size. These computers can be installed for personal use in any work area at home or outside. These computers are called personal computers or P.C. It is also said. Microcomputers are very important in business, whether they are big or small, they are used in all types of business. It keeps the details of the work done in small business, prepares letters for correspondence. Can create bills for users, use them in accounting, is useful in word processing and operation of filing system in big business. The same C.P.U. in microcomputers. It is felt. Today, the development of microcomputers is happening very fast. As a result, today, microcomputers are coming in the form of a book, a phone, and even a clock.
Mini Computer
The first mini-computer PDP-8 (PDP-8) was the size of a refrigerator, which was priced at $ 18000, which was purchased by D.E.C. (DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation) in 1965. These are the computer mediums and computer computers. These computers are more functional than microcomputers. Mini computers cost more than microcomputers. These computers cannot be purchased individually. These computers are used by small and medium sized companies. More than one person can work on these computers simultaneously. Mini computers have more than one C.P.U. Occur. The speed of these computers is higher than the microcomputer but less than the mainframe computer. In medium level companies, mini computers are used. The party person acts as the central computer in the mini computer company rather than the microcomputer. And this causes the computer's resources to be shared. Reservation system for reservation of passengers in traffic using mini computer, for banking in banks, preparing payroll for salary of employees, maintenance of financial accounts etc.
Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are very small in size. And their storage capacity is also high. They have the ability to process data at a very high speed. Hence they are used as central computers in large companies, banks, government departments. These computers can work for 24 hours. Hundreds of users can work on these computations simultaneously. Mainframe computers can be interconnected with a network or microcomputers. These computers can be used for various tasks. Such as - keeping details of purchases by users, keeping details of payments, sending bills, sending notices, paying employees, keeping detailed tax details etc. Some mainframe computers are named - IBM 4381, ICL39 Series and CDC Cyber Series.
Super Computer
These computers have the largest, highest storage capacity, highest speed as compared to all other categories of computers. Many C.P.U. in these computers. Let's work in parallel order. This action is called Parallel Processing. Supercomputers are built on the basis of Non-Von Neumann Concept. Supercomputers have many A.L.U., a part of C.P.U. Each of these ALUs is for a certain function. All ALUs perform a parallel action. Super computers are used in research work in large scientific and research laboratories, sending astronauts to space for space travel, forecasting the weather, producing high-quality animation images. The calculations and procedures performed in all these works are complex and of high quality. Which can only be done by supercomputers. India has a supercomputer named PARAM. Which Vejnikano of India has prepared in India itself. The ultimate form of computer development is PARAM-10000. Apart from this, there are other supercomputers like - CRAY-2, CRAY XMP-24 and NEC-500.
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